Eve Troeh

Latest Stories (387)

Touring New Orleans' recovery projects

Aug 27, 2010
People inside and outside of New Orleans think the city's recovery after Hurricane Katrina has been too slow and uneven. The hold-up is often blamed on government agencies, but they have to follow residents' rebuilding choices. Five years after the storm, Eve Troeh met the head of the New Orleans Redevelopment Authority, and took a tour of projects underway.

New Orleans residents rebuild with 'The Lot Next Door'

Aug 27, 2010
Residents, who returned to the neighborhoods most devastated by the floods following Hurricane Katrina, are buying adjacent lots through a city program.

Rebuilding New Orleans: Katrina five years later

Aug 21, 2010
Reporter Eve Troeh reports from inside the recovering neighborhoods around New Orleans five years after the region was destroyed by floods in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

5 years after Katrina, YURPs move in

Aug 21, 2010
The population of New Orleans is about 80 percent of what it was pre-Katrina thanks to a growing population of so-called YURPS: Young Urban Rebuilding Professionals who showed up to help bring the city back and stayed.

Louisiana works to wash image of seafood post-spill

Aug 9, 2010
The Louisiana Foodservice Expo wraps up today in New Orleans, and Louisiana officials are going to lengths to show the seafood is safe for consumption.

Teens getting behind the wheel later

Jul 30, 2010
It used to be that teens were racing to get their license. But with the Internet, teens can socialize and study together without having to go anywhere, which makes a license a less pressing need.

New security rules will apply to cargo flying with passengers

Jul 30, 2010
Beginning next week, all shipments that fly along with passengers on commercial planes must be screened for security. The shipping industry has had a few years to work up to the new rules, but there have been some setbacks.

Paper shows that credit card users win at the register, not cash users

Jul 29, 2010
The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston released a paper that concluded people who spend cash at the register actually are giving money to people who use credit cards -- especially those with cashback rewards.

New media WikiLeaks uses traditional media for its 'Afghan War Diary'

Jul 26, 2010
Wikileaks released a trove of over 90,000 reports on the Afghanistan war to the public on Sunday -- but they first let "traditional" reporters from the New York Times, Der Spiegel and the Guardian take a look at them. Why?

Over the hill but not in a rut

Jul 19, 2010
It's assumed that once you're over the hill, whatever toothpaste, soap or lipstick you're using, you're going to stick with it. But new data suggests that marketers should take a look at aging consumers, because they may be their next big market.