Gigi Douban

Latest Stories (225)

NASA has a solution for bug splats on your jetliner

Mar 10, 2016
Bug splats on the surface of wings makes for inefficiency and higher fuel consumption.
Bruce Bennett/Getty Images

Adele sells out, but doesn't block scalpers

Dec 21, 2015
The singer sold some tickets through her own website to get around scalpers.

Big boost for wind and solar in budget bill

Dec 17, 2015
The budget bill would extend tax credits for solar and wind energy for five years

For Apple, the Chinese market is getting tougher

Oct 27, 2015
Economic slowdowns and market turmoil could hurt the company's sales.

Probes and enrollment woes burn University of Phoenix

Oct 22, 2015
The school hasn’t hit rock bottom, but it’s well on its way, says one observer.

Shopping for a house? Check out the garden.

Oct 15, 2015
Backyard gardens add value at a time when fresh and local food is in vogue.

The US is facing more pressure to take in refugees

Sep 4, 2015
Resettlement is a long process.

A pothole for bike-sharing programs: helmets

Sep 4, 2015
Ridership goes down when they are required, research shows.

How the NFL made itself a year-round sport

Sep 2, 2015
Scattering events over many months keeps fans buzzing on Facebook and Twitter.

Using colleges' names? They're looking for you.

Sep 2, 2015
Universities are aggressive about protecting their trademark rights.