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Gretchen Wilson

Latest Stories (125)

Sanctions could hurt Zimbabweans

Jun 30, 2008
African leaders are meeting to consider how economic sanctions will affect the people of Zimbabwe. Some human rights groups warn sanctions risk making conditions for average Zimbabweans even worse. Gretchen Wilson reports.

Investing in Zimbabwe

Jun 27, 2008
Political tension and astronomical inflation have taken a toll on Zimbabwe's economy, but some investors see opportunity amid the turmoil. Gretchen Wilson reports.

Affordable green computers to Uganda

Jun 12, 2008
Microsoft is working with the U.N. to donate three to four-year-old computers to an upstart company in Uganda to get affordable machines to businesses. Gretchen Wilson reports on the computer restoration efforts.

Xenophobia only hurts South Africa

Jun 3, 2008
South Africa's economy relies on as many as 5 million foreign nationals. But when mobs attacked these foreigners last month, more than 50,000 of the migrants fled. Gretchen Wilson reports how that could hurt the country.

An 'Africa 101' for U.S. businesses

Jun 2, 2008
Some prominent African-Americans and representatives from major U.S. companies have journeyed to Africa for a summit to help lift the world's poorest continent. Gretchen Wilson reports on the meeting's educational benefits.

Violence spurs humanitarian crisis

May 30, 2008
Anti-immigrant violence in South Africa has forced tens of thousands from their homes and could have a long-lasting economic impact on the region. Gretchen Wilson reports from outside Johannesburg.

Violence harms South African economy

May 26, 2008
Recent violence in South Africa has killed at least 50 immigrants and made thousands flee their homes. Gretchen Wilson reports how this could affect the country's economy, which thrives on its immigrant population.

Anti-immigrant anger erupts in S. Africa

May 19, 2008
Millions of Zimbabwe residents have fled to South Africa to escape the turmoil in their country. But their influx has touched off brutal riots in Johannesburg. Reporter Gretchen Wilson is there and describes the scene.

Apartheid suits target U.S. companies

May 13, 2008
Chevron, Citigroup and Ford are among companies accused in three lawsuits of profiting from South Africa's former apartheid system. A move by the U.S. Supreme Court has cleared the way for the lawsuits to go forward. Gretchen Wilson has more.

Zimbabwe is 'beyond crisis point'

Apr 29, 2008
The U.N. Security Council meets today to discuss the unverified results of last month's election in Zimbabwe. The country's economy was devastated under President Robert Mugabe. What if he is re-elected? Gretchen Wilson reports from Johannesburg.