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Gretchen Wilson

Latest Stories (125)

Malaria's toll in dollars and deaths

Apr 25, 2008
Malaria kills more than a million people around the world every year, and most clinical cases are in Africa. On World Malaria Day, Gretchen Wilson talks about the disease, its effect on the continent and new efforts to control it.

Harnessing power from the Congo River

Apr 22, 2008
The World Energy Council meets in London today to work on plans for an $80 billion hydropower dam on the Congo River that could double the electricity available on the continent. Gretchen Wilson reports.

Impasse prolongs Zimbabwe's pain

Apr 18, 2008
Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe is being blamed by his opposition and economists for the collapse of what was once southern Africa's breadbasket. And the nation's current political impasse is only prolonging its pain. Gretchen Wilson reports.

Arms may be headed to Zimbabwe

Apr 17, 2008
Zimbabwe election results remain under wraps, but today a new twist in the troubled nation's saga: South African officials confirm a Chinese ship carrying arms has been cleared through South African customs. Gretchen Wilson reports.

Zimbabwe crisis taxing neighbors

Apr 14, 2008
Today, Zimbabawe's High Court is supposed to rule on election results -- from two weeks ago. Meanwhile, as the country's severe economic crisis worsens, 3 million people have fled to neighboring countries.

Tourists finding Namibia

Apr 8, 2008
Where are you planning to go on your next vacation? Orlando? Florida? How about Namibia? Gretchen Wilson reports why Namibia is becoming a great place to visit -- and not just for Brad Pitt and Anjolena Jolie.

Voting with their stomachs

Mar 28, 2008
Zimbabwe has gone from being a net food exporting country to one with a critical food shortage -- all of which will play into Sunday's presidential election. Marketplace's Africa correspondent Gretchen Wilson talks with Kai Ryssdal about the nation's crisis.

Loads of hope and food for Zimbabwe

Mar 27, 2008
Overwhelmed by hyperinflation, food is one of the only things with real value in Zimbabwe. Gretchen Wilson reports from a lot in Johannesburg, where passengers are loading a bus to capital city Harare with food.

Third World export: security guards

Mar 26, 2008
The number of civilian contractors killed in Iraq last year rose 17%. Not all of them were Americans. Private security firms are increasingly using third-country nationals to support the war. Gretchen Wilson reports from Namibia.

Zimbabwe's new 'empowerment' law

Mar 11, 2008
Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe has signed a new law that gives blacks the right to a majority share in all companies owned by whites, Asians and foreigners. Gretchen Wilson reports on the move to stimulate the economy.