Gretchen Wilson

Latest Stories (125)

China speaks out on Darfur

Feb 20, 2008
Pledging $100 million to Darfur peace efforts, President Bush noted human suffering should preempt commercial interests. Gretchen Wilson reports what China is saying and that the country is calling on the West to do more.

Africa's price for U.S. aid

Feb 18, 2008
President Bush is visiting Africa and signing an aid package worth nearly $700 million. Doug Krizner talks to Gretchen Wilson in Johannesburg, South Africa about the conditions African countries meet for U.S. aid.

U.S. Africa Command sparks skepticism

Feb 15, 2008
On his current trip to Africa, President Bush is scheduled to address the U.S. Africa Command, or AFRICOM, a new facility said to be for peacekeeping and anti-terrorism training. But many worry it's part of a plan to control the continent's oil resources. Gretchen Wilson reports.

Cocoa made sweet without child labor

Feb 14, 2008
West Africa supplies much of the cocoa used by the major chocolate companies, and the region is also known for using child labor. Gretchen Wilson reports measures the U.S. and chocolate industry are taking to free child cocoa workers.

Platinum enriches South African tribe

Feb 6, 2008
A South African tribe that owns shares in mines operated by the world's largest platinum producers is planning to use its profits to develop its community. Gretchen Wilson reports.

Considering a 'United States of Africa'

Feb 1, 2008
Members of the African Union are considering a confederation of the continent into something similar to the E.U. Gretchen Wilson reports whether the idea is a realistic one with 53 countries on board.

Cadbury sweetens lives of farmers

Jan 30, 2008
Ghana's cocoa farmers are suffering from a poverty cycle, with the global price of cocoa struggling and production waning. But Cadbury wants to put money towards teaching farmers to yield more crops. Gretchen Wilson reports.

Gold mines shut down, prices go up

Jan 28, 2008
Power outages in South Africa are causing gold mine shutdowns nationwide, which is raising gold's cost. Each day without steady power is costing the country's mining industry $27 million. Gretchen Wilson reports.

South Africa pulls the plug

Jan 21, 2008
South Africa's been in the grip of a serious power shortage lately, thanks to local demand exceeding supply. Gretchen Wilson reports the country is cutting supply for some other countries sucking power to keep up.

Fighting inflation with mega-currency

Jan 17, 2008
Because of runaway inflation, it takes thousands of bills to buy even the most basic items in Zimbabwe. The government is now circulating notes up to 10 million. Scott Jagow talks with correspondent Gretchen Wilson.