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Helen Palmer

Latest Stories (187)

States move to close drug data mining

Oct 2, 2007
Information about which drugs doctors prescribe for you often ends up in the hands of big drug companies, which use it to market their products. But some states are passing laws to ban the practice. Helen Palmer reports.

Keeping an eye on drug testers

Sep 28, 2007
Even after years of research and development, the FDA only gives its stamp of approval for a drug or device after a tough set of clinical trials. But a new report finds only a tiny fraction of tests get FDA scrutiny. Helen Palmer reports.

Creditors have upper hand in disputes

Sep 27, 2007
What credit squeeze? The Federal Reserve says Americans are charging as much stuff as ever on credit cards. But a report out today from the consumer watchdog Public Citizen says that when we dispute those charges, cardholders lose almost every time. Helen Palmer reports.

Uninsured problem twice as big

Sep 20, 2007
The Census Bureau reported that 45 million Americans have no health insurance, but a study out today says it's really twice that. Helen Palmer reports.

Tangles in medical web-slinging

Sep 19, 2007
Wal-Mart and Intel recently adopted electronic health records for their workers. But getting other companies involved won't be easy. Helen Palmer reports.

Poverty no obstacle for health care

Sep 17, 2007
A new program starts today in San Francisco that will cover uninsured residents below the federal poverty level. Helen Palmer explains why part of the funding, which comes from an emergency care fund, won't be enough.

Healthier economies make for healthier kids

Sep 13, 2007
Unicef says the number of children dying each year has dropped below ten million for the first time since it began keeping records. It stands to reason that more widespread public health campaigns contributed to the decline. Helen Palmer reports.

An easy-to-read label is hard to find

Sep 10, 2007
FDA officials are debating whether changes in food labels might help consumers make healthy choices. Helen Palmer reports there are plenty of ideas but not much consensus.

Clue found to missing bees

Sep 6, 2007
Scientists have fingered a virus that may be a cause of the country's disappearing bees -- what's called colony collapse disorder. Marketplace's Helen Palmer, a beekeeper herself, reports.

Wrinkles? No prob. Mole? Get in line

Aug 29, 2007
Got wrinkles? You can probably get a shot of Botox from a dermatologist within a week. But a new study finds that potentially more serious conditions could have you waiting for a month. Helen Palmer explains why.