Jeff Tyler

Reporter, Marketplace


Jeff Tyler is a former reporter for Marketplace’s Los Angeles bureau and reported on issues related to immigration and Latin America.

Tyler began his career at Marketplace producing and editing stories and in 2000 his desire to report allowed him to move to the other side of the microphone becoming a foreign correspondent for the program. Tyler admits that working for Marketplace has given him a crash course in world economics.

His work has taken him from Argentina and Brazil to Indonesia and Pakistan. A California native, Tyler is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley. After college, he worked for a travel guide company, writing a guide for Honduras and editing a travel guide for Mexico.

Latest Stories (645)

Oil royalties slip-sliding away

Jan 16, 2007
Have oil companies been cheating the government out of billions in unpaid royalties? A federal court in Denver is hearing the case. Jeff Tyler takes a closer look.

Mexico's tortilla prices rise on corn costs

Jan 12, 2007
Higher demand for corn-based ethanol is raising the price of corn. In Mexico, that means one of the country's staples, the tortilla, is getting more expensive. Jeff Tyler reports.

Oil-drilling leases to get further scrutiny

Jan 10, 2007
The Bush administration has raised the cost for leases that allow oil and natural gas companies to drill in the Gulf of Mexico. But critics say loopholes in the leases could still cost the U.S. billions. Jeff Tyler reports.

Snow sports court minorities

Jan 8, 2007
Faced with flat growth in their traditional mostly-white market, skiing and snowboarding resorts are working to attract consumers of color. Jeff Tyler reports.

A wake-up call for the cell-phone industry

Jan 5, 2007
Motorola today cut its projections for 4th-quarter growth. And some on Wall Street worry the news might mean trouble for the whole mobile-phone industry. Jeff Tyler reports.

Market forces bring down oil prices

Jan 4, 2007
Oil prices have been dropping, thanks to some supply-and-demand at work. A goverment report shows U.S. petroleum inventories are fatter than expected. And winter in the Northeast has been milder than usual. Jeff Tyler reports.

Back-door defense spending

Jan 4, 2007
The Bush Administration is skirting the normal budget process and using "emergency" supplemental spending to fund non-emergency items for the Pentagon. Jeff Tyler looks at the effects.

An invitation for corporate America

Jan 3, 2007
As newly-elected officials prepare inaugural celebrations, some businesses see an opportunity to make a big donations with fewer restrictions and less public scrutiny. Jeff Tyler reports.

Checking up on Kyoto

Dec 11, 2006
Nine years ago today in Kyoto, Japan, more than 150 countries committed to reduce green house gas emissions. One solution widely touted at the time was a trading system for carbon credits. Jeff Tyler looks at whether it's lived up to expectations.

CEOs cashing out

Dec 7, 2006
Microsoft's Bill Gates and Google's Eric Schmidt are among the corporate bigwigs who sold a lot more stock than they bought last month. Is it a vote of low-confidence in the economy? Jeff Tyler reports.