Jeff Tyler

Reporter, Marketplace


Jeff Tyler is a former reporter for Marketplace’s Los Angeles bureau and reported on issues related to immigration and Latin America.

Tyler began his career at Marketplace producing and editing stories and in 2000 his desire to report allowed him to move to the other side of the microphone becoming a foreign correspondent for the program. Tyler admits that working for Marketplace has given him a crash course in world economics.

His work has taken him from Argentina and Brazil to Indonesia and Pakistan. A California native, Tyler is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley. After college, he worked for a travel guide company, writing a guide for Honduras and editing a travel guide for Mexico.

Latest Stories (645)

Even more fraud on Wall Street

Oct 30, 2006
The SEC is already investigating more than 100 companies for possible stock option backdating. Now it turns out that some executives may have also fudged exercise dates in order to avoid income taxes. Jeff Tyler explains.

Coffee trademark dispute brewing

Oct 26, 2006
An anti-poverty group has launched a campaign to pressure Starbucks into signing a licensing deal with Ethiopia, but even some of the coffee giant's biggest critics are siding with the company. Jeff Tyler explains.

JetBlue decelerates

Oct 24, 2006
Discount airline JetBlue today reported flat quarterly earnings and announced it would scale back expansion plans. So why did shares take off? Jeff Tyler explains why slow growth sounds good on Wall Street.

Skilling sentence comes down today

Oct 23, 2006
Former Enron CEO Jeffry Skilling faces at least 20 years in prison for his role in the company's collapse when he is sentenced today for fraud and conspiracy. Jeff Tyler reports.

Big beer pimpin' Jay-Z

Oct 20, 2006
Brewer Anheuser-Busch has tapped rapper Jay-Z to help market its new Bud Select brand beer. And he's going to be involved as more than just a celebrity frontman, Jeff Tyler reports.

Gas prices headed back up?

Oct 19, 2006
Members of the powerful oil cartel are expected to authorize production cuts to boost oil prices today when they meet today. Jeff Tyler takes a look at how that could impact the U.S. economy and consumers at the pump.

Big drop in wholesale inflation — sort of

Oct 17, 2006
Economic data out today says wholesale prices dropped more than expected last month because of cheaper fuel. But it also suggests that inflation might be on the rise. So where's the economy headed? Jeff Tyler reports.

Bankruptcy reform one year later

Oct 17, 2006
It's been a year since new rules made it harder for individuals to wipe out their debts by filing for bankruptcy. Jeff Tyler has this update on how it's working.

Outsourcing intelligence jobs

Oct 9, 2006
Ever since 9/11, the U.S. intelligence sector has been on a hiring spree. Critics say the rush to fill desks is leading to some imprudent choices. Jeff Tyler reports.

Taking federal issues into their own hands

Oct 2, 2006
What happens when a state like California jumps into issues usually reserved for Congress? Jeff Tyler reports. First in <a href=""><strong>The Real Agenda</strong></a> series.