Jennifer Collins

Reporter, Marketplace


Jennifer Collins is a former reporter for the Marketplace portfolio of programs. Based in Los Angeles, she covered media, retail, the entertainment industry and the West Coast.

Collins joined Marketplace in 2007 as an assistant producer and spent an additional two-and-a-half years directing and producing Marketplace Morning Report.

Collins likes the challenge of preparing for an interview, the thrill of a good conversation and the pleasure of learning something new every day. Prior to Marketplace, Collins reported for newspapers in Oregon, Alabama and Cambodia.

Collins received her bachelor’s degree from Western Washington University and attended Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism, receiving honors in radio. She speaks some Spanish, French, Khmer and Arabic.

A native of Samish Island, Washington, (where Collins drove a farming combine for three summers in high school, harvesting peas) she currently lives in Los Angeles where she can be found scrambling up hillsides and running through the streets, as well as showing movies in her backyard for her neighbors in Hollywood.

Latest Stories (316)

Hollywood will push for 3D TV

Apr 22, 2010
DVD sales dropped 13 percent last year, but the entertainment industry is looking towards future sales of 3D DVDs to help stabilize revenue. But first, more people need to buy 3D TVs. Jennifer Collins reports.

Senate takes up derivatives trading

Apr 21, 2010
The Senate is considering legislation tackling derivatives. One bill would require the instruments be traded on a public exchange, while another determines that banks wouldn't handle risky behavior at all. Jennifer Collins reports.

More info sharing for Facebook users

Apr 20, 2010
Facebook wants to adapt its site to incorporate updates from non-Facebook sites, which would lead to a lot of potential for targeted ads. This also means more info for advertisers on your browsing habits. Jennifer Collins reports.

L.A. recycles rain to protect its ocean

Apr 12, 2010
Los Angeles is encouraging residents to recycle rainwater to prevent runoffs from polluting the ocean. The city also wants to impose fees on developers who fail to utilize the rain. Jennifer Collins reports.

Lower-rent cities have bigger spenders

Mar 24, 2010
A new report of household consumers shows the biggest spenders are in Austin, Texas and Scottsdale, Ariz., while New York City ranked 53 on the list. Rent and expenses were found to be a factor. Jennifer Collins reports.

A new solar plan rises from the dust

Mar 10, 2010
Los Angeles's utility company is considering installing solar panels on a dry lake bed in the shadow of California's Sierra Nevada Mountains. Besides providing green energy for the city, this would also help the community with dust issues. Jennifer Collins reports.

Public utilities differ on gas regulation

Feb 26, 2010
A trade group of utilities has backed efforts to block the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating greenhouse gas emissions. But that group doesn't speak for all of its members. Jennifer Collins reports.

Target wants to be more like Costco

Feb 23, 2010
Target wants its customers to expect more. It's strategy going forward is to lower its price image by adding big bulk warehouse items. But Jennifer Collins reports it still has work to do if it wants to compete with the king.

Ski resorts use sustainable appeal

Feb 23, 2010
Ski resorts in the U.S. are looking for ways to bring people in. Promoters at one resort near Lake Tahoe are using environmental credentials to appeal to visitors year-round. Jennifer Collins reports.

Signs of people taking back the tap

Feb 19, 2010
Nestle says its bottled water division saw revenue evaporate by more than 5% in 2009, and that may have an upside for the planet. Jennifer Collins reports.