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Jill Barshay

Latest Stories (262)

High oil prices could indicate recession

Mar 11, 2008
With oil prices reaching the $108 a barrel mark and factors like auto sales and consumer confidence down, recession could be on the way. Jill Barshay reports why oil speculators are happy, but analysts are worried.

London losing financial bragging rights?

Feb 29, 2008
The City of London Corporation is worried it may be losing the upper hand to the former Colonies when it comes to international finance. But some say the fuss over top-dog status is all hype, an effort to relax government regulations. Jill Barshay reports.

Bond failures may bankrupt cities

Feb 28, 2008
New problems in the municipal bond market are resulting in cities and municipalities paying record-high interest rates. And with cities making less from property taxes, some have no choice but to declare bankruptcy. Jill Barshay reports.

Creating space is an art form

Feb 28, 2008
New York City is famous for its real estate issues, and the local museums are not exempt from space problems. Jill Barshay reports on a company that helps the art world find new space for valuable and sometimes fragile work.

Inflation, home prices go opposite ways

Feb 26, 2008
There was a big jump in wholesale prices in January showing inflation is rising faster than it has since 1981. Yet home prices are on a steep decline. Jill Barshay reports on what the conflicting figures say about the economy.

Visa's IPO not feeling the crunch

Feb 25, 2008
Despite the credit crunch, credit card giant Visa filed the largest initial public offering in history. Jill Barshay reports why the company isn't affected by whether or not you pay your bill.

A Sunday school lesson in mortgages

Feb 25, 2008
The Catholic churches of New York are playing their part helping the mortgage crisis by adding workshops to their weekly masses. Jill Barshay reports the financial sermons are delivered by experts, not the priests.

Resetting loan rates hit public projects

Feb 22, 2008
Homeowners aren't the only ones who will end up paying more for resetting loan rates. Cities, schools, even museums will also see a critical spike. Jill Barshay reports on the struggle with auction rate bonds.

GMAC puts squeeze on offices

Feb 21, 2008
GMAC will be closing most of its North American auto-financing offices and even cutting jobs to save money. Jill Barshay reports this doesn't mean you can't get a General Motors car loan, but it may take longer to get approved.

Auction-rate bond fallout continues

Feb 19, 2008
Signs of fallout from losses in auction-rate securities issued by cities, hospitals, and schools are beginning to rattle those institutions. Jill Barshay reports on how local governments are considering refinancing into more old-fashioned municipal bonds.