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Jill Barshay

Latest Stories (262)

Signs of USS Economy righting itself?

Jan 16, 2008
The Federal Reserve came out with its "Beige Book" and there's no mention of a looming recession, just a "slower pace" of growth. Jill Barshay turned up more signs that some of America's economic ship is staying above water.

Whoa . . . Is that a '70s flashback?

Jan 15, 2008
Two sets of economic figures out today might be giving economists flashbacks of the 1970s. Could a hit of "stagflation" -- combining high inflation with a slowing economy -- be felt again today? Jill Barshay reports.

China opens to foreign banks

Jan 14, 2008
China has lifted its moratorium on foreign banks doing business with Chinese companies, and many international banks are now making deals. Jill Barshay reports the appeal is in China's stock market.

Who's right? Investors or analysts?

Jan 10, 2008
The Standard & Poor's 500 is down 3% for the year. But today, stock analysts predicted that the index of the nation's largest companies would show double-digit profit growth this year. Who do you trust? Jill Barshay reports.

Harrah's might have tough luck

Jan 10, 2008
The buyout of Harrah's Casino is said to be one of the largest transactions coming to the market this year, but many of the usual buyers aren't at the table. Jill Barshay reports the deal will determine how easy leveraged buyouts will be this year.

Bank seeks Islamic balance in business

Jan 8, 2008
Noor Islamic Bank, half-owned by the Dubai government, opened its doors this weekend. Its chief executive says he's going on a multibillion-dollar spending spree to corner the market on lending to the world's 1.8 Muslims. Jill Barshay reports.

Lenders get tougher with businesses

Jan 7, 2008
Many companies took out big loans before the economic downturn and are running into trouble on their payments. Now, as they're crawling back to their lenders asking for help, the lenders are playing tough. Jill Barshay reports.

Ford saying Tata to Jaguar, Land Rover

Jan 3, 2008
Ford might have found a buyer for two of its luxury European brands, Jaguar and Land Rover. The front runner is a company you might never had heard of -- India's Tata Motors. Jill Barshay reports on why Ford's selling, and why Tata.

U.S. is manufacturing less

Jan 2, 2008
Manufacturing ended a 10-month growth spurt in December. A closely-watched index sank to its lowest point in almost five years. Jill Barshay reports.

New York on board with airline rights

Jan 1, 2008
The state of New York is the first to enact an Airline Passenger Bill of Rights, requiring that passengers have certain needs fulfilled if they have to wait on the tarmac. Jill Barshay reports some airlines are protesting the measure.