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Jill Barshay

Latest Stories (262)

Some companies are hungry to grow

Dec 17, 2007
There was plenty of applause on Wall Street today for the news that air-conditioner company Trane sold for a cool $10 billion to Ingersoll Rand. Companies flush with cash are stepping in to keep the economy moving. Jill Barshay reports.

Citigroup lists subprime hit for all to see

Dec 14, 2007
The world's biggest bank has done something very unusual. It has voluntarily taken $49 billion in potential liabilities and put them on its balance sheet. Jill Barshay reports.

Spending bills stall with slim majority

Dec 13, 2007
The federal fiscal year started more than two months ago but Congress still hasn't passed 11 of the 12 spending bills to fund the government. And that's not the only economic legislation that's going nowhere. Jill Barshay reports.

Fed tries new plan to get money moving

Dec 12, 2007
After hearing howls of complaint that it didn't cut interest rates enough, the Federal Reserve announced a plan today to get liquidity liquid again. Marketplace's New York bureau chief Jill Barshay explains, with Kai Ryssdal.

Corporations find 'responsibility' sells

Dec 11, 2007
You've probably seen ads about what companies are doing for the environment or for the community. So many companies are jumping on the bandwagon that corporate responsibility has become an industry unto itself. Jill Barshay reports.

Mortgage-freeze plan is on its way

Dec 5, 2007
That mortgage relief the White House has been promising is apparently on the way. Word today is that a plan now is in place to freeze interest rates for some homeowners. Jill Barshay explains.

Airlines plan to pack in more per flight

Dec 4, 2007
Passenger jets are flying 80 percent full these days, and it's only going to get worse. The nation's largest six airlines say they're going to fill their planes even closer to capacity. Jill Barshay reports.

Moody's may soon downgrade SIV notes

Dec 3, 2007
Moody's Investors Service is warning it might soon downgrade $105 billion in debt related to structured investment vehicles. It's the biggest rating cut since the subprime crisis hit last summer, and not at all what the credit industry's looking for. Jill Barshay reports.

FCC rule doesn't apply to Tribune

Nov 30, 2007
The Tribune Company's exemption from the FCC's rule that one can't own a TV network and a newspaper in the same market is set to expire when Sam Zell takes over. But will he get a waiver and stay above the law? Jill Barshay reports.

A not-so-private-equity index

Nov 29, 2007
Investors have had difficulty measuring and comparing private-equity funds due to their nature. But a new index will now be tracking them without relying on info from the funds themselves. Jill Barshay reports.