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Jill Barshay

Latest Stories (262)

Mattel's prospects not so swell

Sep 5, 2007
When we heard about the latest Mattel recall of 800,000 imported Chinese toys, we asked some consumers to tell us their reactions. Their responses could be Mattel CEO Bob Eckert's worst nighmare.

Take this deal at your own risk

Sep 3, 2007
How does an impoverished nation boost tourism? Nepal is putting its most famous mountain on seasonal clearance. It works for clothing retailers, but discount-seeking climbers might pay a different kind of price. Jill Barshay explains.

TV for the ultra-wealthy

Aug 30, 2007
In exclusive resort towns from Aspen to the Hamptons, where the rich and powerful hobnob with... well, each other, something called Plum TV is all the rage. And advertisers for luxury products are plum tickled. Jill Barshay has the story.

Looking good, America! . . . Er, wait

Aug 24, 2007
Today's reports say new-home sales are up 2.8% and U.S. factory orders nearly 6%. But, wait. Those are the numbers from July -- before the subprime debacle and the credit squeeze. Jill Barshay has more.

Vitamins going under FDA microscope

Aug 24, 2007
Federal regulators are finally doing something about inaccuracies in the $22 billion vitamin and herbal supplement industry. New quality standards start today, but consumers shouldn't expect to see change right away. Jill Barshay explains.

Market turmoil is good for S&Ls

Aug 22, 2007
The mortgage industry can't come up with cash. Mortgage companies are laying people off — or worse, going bankrupt. But investors are smiling on one slice of the mortgage market, the good, old-fashioned thrift. Jill Barshay reports.

Return of the DVD wars

Aug 21, 2007
Don't buy that new DVD player yet. Just when you thought Sony had won the hi-def home movie war and established Blu-ray as the dominant format, two major movie studios yesterday helped HD-DVD strike back. Jill Barshay has more.

Fed's action gives markets some relief

Aug 17, 2007
The Fed today cut the discount rate -- what banks pay to borrow from the Fed -- by half a percentage point. Banks use it only when they're in a bind. Like the one they've been in the past couple of weeks. Jill Barshay reports.

Higher cap for Fannie and Freddie?

Aug 17, 2007
Mortgage lenders are having trouble getting their hands on lots of cash right now, which has put a crimp in the business of making loans. So at least one lawmaker wants to raise the portfolio cap for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Jill Barshay explains.

Population booming in a city near you

Aug 16, 2007
A new population report predicts the global population will grow by 50 percent to reach 9.3 billion by 2050. And very soon the number of people living in urban areas will outnumber rural folk. Jill Barshay has more.