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Jill Barshay

Latest Stories (262)

Fed issues new lending guidelines

Jun 29, 2007
The Federal Reserve today put out a set of guidelines for subprime mortage lenders. The only thing is, the "standards" are voluntary. So, what's the point? Jill Barshay reports.

Russia's great white north oil grab

Jun 29, 2007
Russian President Vladimir Putin is laying claim to potential oil discoveries under the Arctic Ocean ice. It's a region most other countries consider international territory. Jill Barshay reports.

A little NBA Draft Day math

Jun 28, 2007
Tonight 30 NBA teams will select 60 players to join their ranks. It'll be televised in 115 countries in 18 languages, and some of the newest NBA ballers will be foreign themselves. It all adds up to some nice global padding on the bottom line, Jill Barshay reports.

Competition for Paris interview is hot

Jun 22, 2007
TV networks that offered to pay Paris Hilton for an exclusive post-jail interview have apparently backed away from their plans due to negative reaction. Jill Barshay reports on what the networks could reap in ad sales for the interview.

Greeting cards still feelin' the love

Jun 22, 2007
You might think all those thank you e-mails and free e-cards and party Evites you receive would pile up and start weighing down the greeting card industry's bottom line, but profits are soaring. Jill Barshay looks at how they're keeping paper cards alive.

Auto parts won't pay the same

Jun 21, 2007
The largest U.S. auto parts maker may get its wish to slash wages by as much as half. Delphi and the United Auto Workers reportedly are very close to reaching a new labor contract deal. And workers are expected to accept it, Jill Barshay reports.

Parents support TV censorship

Jun 20, 2007
A study released yesterday says most parents would support a federal crackdown on TV sex and violence. Pressure's building for Congress to act, but TV companies say censorship should be left to individuals and the marketplace. Jill Barshay reports.

Not on investors' super value menu

Jun 19, 2007
Wendy's has made it official: It's hanging out the "for sale" sign. But the fast food company's been hinting that it might be looking for a buyer since April and speculators may have pushed the stock price too high. Jill Barshay reports.

Washington's new green party

Jun 18, 2007
Both Democrats and Republicans are working to make their 2008 national conventions the greenest ever. It may be all about appealing to voters, but regardless of motivation, activists happily point out, the environment wins. Jill Barshay reports.

Is Kodak's future coming into focus?

Jun 14, 2007
Kodak says it's got a new technology that will let photographers take sharp pictures in low light. Jill Barshay reports on what it might mean for the company, whose outlook in the digital era has lacked some definition.