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Kai Ryssdal

Host and Senior Editor


Kai is the host and senior editor of “Marketplace,” the most widely heard program on business and the economy — radio or television, commercial or public broadcasting — in the country. Kai speaks regularly with CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, startup entrepreneurs, small-business owners and everyday participants in the American and global economies. Before his career in broadcasting, Kai served in the United States Navy and United States Foreign Service. He’s a graduate of Emory University and Georgetown University. Kai lives in Los Angeles with his wife and four children.

Latest Stories (5,798)

Super Bowl ads sell despite economy

Jan 27, 2009
Even in this recession, companies are shelling out millions for Super Bowl advertising. Kai Ryssdal speaks with journalist Rob Walker about why some brands are still spending such big bucks for so little time.

CEO sees health care as fixable issue

Jan 26, 2009
With the Obama administration vowing to reform the health care system, Health Net CEO Jay Gellert talks about how much the health industry is willing to change.

Obama speech: Optimism and economy

Jan 20, 2009
President Barack Obama's inauguration speech touched on hope for the future and the economic troubles we face. Kai Ryssdal looks at what our new president had to say.

Rep. Frank on the bailout and stimulus

Jan 7, 2009
Congressman Barney Frank chairs the House Financial Services Committee and has been leading bailout negotiations with the White House. Kai Ryssdal speaks with Frank about what happens with the rest of the bailout money, regulating Wall Street and Obama's stimulus plan.

When people cheat on Wall Street

Jan 5, 2009
Does endlessly hearing about the likes of Bernie Madoff affect everyone else's sense of right and wrong? Kai Ryssdal speaks with behavioral economist Dan Ariely, who's been doing some research into that topic.

Reconsidering regulation

Jan 2, 2009
Several factors contributed to the 2008 financial meltdown, but one of the main culprits may have been regulation, or lack thereof. Kai Ryssdal speaks with Steve Henn about the deregulatory trend and the push for more regulation that is expected to come.

Weekly Wrap: Good things from crisis?

Jan 2, 2009
Kai Ryssdal asks Andy Brooks of T. Rowe Price and Felix Salmon of Portfolio magazine whether there have been some good things from the 2008 financial crisis, and how long it might take to see some benefits from them.

Spelling out those financial acronyms

Jan 2, 2009
Ever notice that there are a lot of acronyms involved in finance and business? TARP. FDIC. LIBOR. Well, there's a good reason for them. Kai Ryssdal speaks with author and blogger Leslie Savan about the financial alphabet soup.

Looking for change -- the loose kind

Dec 31, 2008
In August we reported on a New York family that's built a sizable savings from money found on the ground. Kai Ryssdal checked in with Scott Humphrey and his 5-year-old daughter to find out where their nest egg stands now.

A volatile market for home heating oil

Dec 30, 2008
Prices for home heating oil looked like they were only going to continue rising this past summer, so many customers locked in winter contracts. Now, heating oil's dropped to less than $2.50. Kai Ryssdal speaks with oil retailer Peter Bourne about how his customers are feeling and how his business is doing.