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Katharine Crnko

Latest Stories (414)

MIDDAY UPDATE: Sustainability and Cyber-Monday

Nov 29, 2010
Today is "Cyber-Moday," Black Friday for e-tailers. It is statistically the least productive work day, because employees log onto super sales to...


Nov 23, 2010
Today we heard about yesterday's FBI seizures following a long and wide investigation into insider trading. The FBI seized documents from different...

MID-DAY UPDATE: Ireland in the spotlight

Nov 22, 2010
Today's big story was Ireland. Yesterday, the country agreed to a bailout from The European Central Bank and the IMF, though the terms and...

MID-DAY UPDATE: Ben Bernanke Visits Europe

Nov 19, 2010
Ben Bernanke visits Europe today to defend the Fed's decision to pump $600 billion more into government bonds. Germany in particular was vocal in...