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Lisa Napoli

Latest Stories (306)

Who Needs Sleep?

May 30, 2006
Workers in Hollywood are complaining about work conditions. Not about pay. Not about benefits. About the fact that they work the weirdest hours. And now, someone's made a film about it. Lisa Napoli reports.

Hercules battles Wal-Mart

May 23, 2006
The Hercules, Calif. City Council meets tonight to discuss using the power of eminent domain to seize 17 acres on which Wal-Mart intends to build a store. Lisa Napoli reports.

Illegal entry only half the problem

May 23, 2006
A new report shows nearly half of all undocumented immigrants in the country entered legally. Lisa Napoli has more.

Move over Blackberry?

May 22, 2006
The Motorola Q phone could be released this week, and it's likely to have the makers of the Blackberry a little nervous. Lisa Napoli reports.

Exclusive returns on Brangelina baby

May 19, 2006
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have agreed to sell exclusive rights to publish photos of their baby for $5 million. Lisa Napoli looks at what the magazine landing the exclusive gets in return.

The IRS has had enough

May 16, 2006
The IRS is yanking tax-exempt status from dozens of credit counseling agencies found to be taking advantage of their clients — people already desperate for financial help. Lisa Napoli reports.

Mobile mania

May 15, 2006
Are mobile phones the dot-coms of the new century? Lisa Napoli takes a look at the push to put everything from a Paris Hilton game to the nutritional content of your food on your mobile phone.

Building your resume? Disney has an offer

May 5, 2006
The "Happiest Place on Earth" is looking for 4,000 summer interns to do work ranging from answering phones to regular park duties. It's a sign college students need jobs with resume-building experience. Lisa Napoli reports.

Wal-Mart's advertising makeover

May 4, 2006
The retail giant is conducting a sweeping review of its ad agencies to see whether it's getting the most from its $578 million advertising budget. Lisa Napoli reports.

Google vs. old media

Apr 24, 2006
In this edition of The Sloan Sessions, Newsweek's Wall Street editor Allan Sloan talks to host Lisa Napoli about the recent ups and downs of new and old media.