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Melissa Kaplan

Latest Stories (171)

Watchful eye sponsored by . . . the people of Flint

Jul 30, 2008
The police department in Flint, Michigan could use a little extra cash to cover 14 new surveillance cameras. So the city's come up with a plan to...

JetBlue CEO latest to suffer with industry

Jul 29, 2008
JetBlue reported $7 million quarterly loss last week, and CEO David Barger wants to show he, too, feels the pain. He's cutting his base salary in...

What search is 'cooler' than Google?

Jul 28, 2008
You have to admire a brand new business going after a behemoth. This morning, Janet Babin covered a new rival search engine called Cuil --...

Hold on, that may be cancer calling

Jul 25, 2008
Three prominent neurosurgeons told CNN last week that they did not hold cellphones directly to their ears, which has stirred up an old debate on...

Moscow may be difficult for U.S. expats

Jul 24, 2008
The consulting firm Mercer reports the cost of compensating expats has jumped by nearly 20 percent in the past 12 months, thanks to a weaker U.S....

Los Angeles keeps it trim

Jul 22, 2008
Among the many things Los Angeles is known for, keeping trim might be at the top of the list. You can even see it in the city's recent politics....

Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac up for government takeover

Jul 11, 2008
With $11 billion in losses on their collective heads since the credit crisis began, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are facing the possibility of...

If it barks, send it back

Jul 11, 2008
China is trying to do more to make the country more palatable to Westerners during the Olympics. Beijing tourism officials are telling restaurants...

Several hundred applications on one iPhone

Jul 10, 2008
Forget the fact that the newer, faster iPhone comes out this Friday. What the world is really waiting for with bated breath is the iPhone App Store...

These dummies are no women

Jul 9, 2008
The Washington Post reports female crash test dummies have been used in basic compliance tests for years, but not in the rating system used by the...