Mitchell Hartman



Mitchell’s most important job at Marketplace is to explain the economy in ways that non-expert, non-business people can understand. Michell thinks of his audience as anyone who works, whether for money or not, and lives in the economy . . . which is most people.

Mitchell wants to understand, and help people understand, how the economy works, who it helps, who it hurts and why. Mitchell gets to cover what he thinks are some of the most interesting aspects of the economy: wages and inflation, consumer psychology, wealth inequality, economic theory and how it measures up to economic reality.

Mitchell was a high school newspaper nerd and a college newspaper editor. He has worked for The Philadelphia Inquirer, WXPN-FM, WBAI-FM, KPFK-FM, Pacifica Radio, the CBC, the BBC, Monitor Radio, Cairo Today Magazine, The Jordan Times, The Middletown Press, The New Haven Register, Oregon Business Magazine, the Reed College Alumni Magazine, and Marketplace (twice — 1994-2001 & 2008-present).

Mitchell has gone on strike (Newspaper Guild vs. Knight Ridder, Philadelphia, 1985) and helped organize a union (with SAG-AFTRA at Marketplace, 2021-23). Mitchell once interviewed Marcel Marceau and got him to talk.

Latest Stories (2,023)

Insurer profits rise while coverage falls

Feb 12, 2010
A report out from a pro-health reform group says profits shot up last year at the nation's top five private insurance companies. But at the same time, more than 2.5 million people lost coverage. Mitchell Hartman reports.

Olympics advertising can still pay off

Feb 11, 2010
NBC projects it will lose $200 million on the Vancouver Winter Olympics, as some of the bigger traditional advertisers are skipping the games entirely. But Mitchell Hartman reports there are still golden marketing opportunities to be found there.

Hedge funds bet against the euro

Feb 10, 2010
Some of the euro's weakness in the wake of Greece's debt crisis has been caused by foreign exchange speculators that have been shorting the currency by betting it will fall further. Mitchell Hartman reports.

MGM bets on Macau over Atlantic City

Feb 8, 2010
MGM Mirage is under pressure from New Jersey gaming regulators for alleged links its partner may have to Chinese organized crime syndicates. So MGM is divesting its stake in Atlantic City and holding onto its casino venture in China. Mitchell Hartman reports.

However you say it, it's still Pepsi

Feb 8, 2010
While Pepsi sat out the Super Bowl this year, it did work on its buzz over in Spain and Latin America with a play on mispronunciation. Mitchell Hartman rep-p-p-ports.

Rules for modifying loans may ease

Feb 3, 2010
The Obama administration's program to help homeowners stay in their homes by reducing monthly payments has been slow to make progress. Now there's talk the Treasury Department may tweak formulas to make loan modifications easier. Mitchell Hartman explains.

Toyota dealers dealing with recall

Feb 2, 2010
Replacement parts for recalled vehicles are on their way to Toyota dealerships, and dealers will have to do their best to field customer questions and concerns. Mitchell Hartman explores what dealers must do to keep customers loyal.

Big shifts on Main Street

Feb 1, 2010
Walk down any commercial street in the U.S., and you're likely to see empty storefronts. But there are new businesses to come along to take up the space. Mitchell Hartman reports.

Obama's plan to help small biz hiring

Jan 29, 2010
President Obama hopes to create some jobs with an idea he's pitching today to a gathering of Congressional Republicans. Mitchell Hartman reports.

Ford ends up on top despite debts

Jan 28, 2010
Ford said it earned $2.7 billion last year -- despite being stuck with more debt than bailed-out counterparts GM and Chrysler. Mitchell Hartman explains how the carmaker managed itself differently.