Rachel Dornhelm

Latest Stories (120)

New book from ousted HP CEO

Oct 10, 2006
Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina's book hits stores shelves today. With HP all over headlines, the timing couldn't be better. The book's add more details to the story, Rachel Dornhelm reports.

Annan passing the baton

Oct 9, 2006
On Monday, the United Nations Security Council will nominate the body's new secretary general. Rachel Dornhelm looks at the fiscal responsibilities awaiting Kofi Annan's replacement.

FBI investigates spinach grower

Oct 5, 2006
The FBI is now involved in the E. coli investigation. Rachel Dornhelm looks at whether the food processing company in the cross-hairs can bounce back.

Sick days for all

Oct 5, 2006
Voters in San Francisco are expected to make their city the first in the country to require paid sick leave for all workers. Could it spark a trend on the national level? Rachel Dornhelm reports.

Pepsi buys Izze

Sep 27, 2006
The soft-drink maker buys the boutique natural soda company as it looks to expand its offerings beyond sugared beverages. Rachel Dornhelm reports.

Heavy ruling in 'light' cigarette case

Sep 25, 2006
A federal judge has granted class action status to just about anyone who's bought "light" cigarettes since the early '70s. Tens of millions of smokers could seek as much as $200 billion from tobacco companies. Rachel Dornhelm reports.

Saints return to the Superdome

Sep 25, 2006
The New Orleans Saints today return to the Superdome for the first time since Katrina — and they'll be bringing much-needed leisure spending along with them. Rachel Dornhelm reports.

Eat your spinach . . . PLEASE

Sep 22, 2006
The lobby for fruit and vegetable growers is considering a marketing campaign to restore consumer confidence in spinach once the E.coli warning is lifted. Rachel Dornhelm looks at its chances for success.

McBreakfast all day

Sep 21, 2006
McDonald's has announced plans to reconfigure stores to allow breakfast items to be served all day in an effort to maximize some of the its most popular offerings. Rachel Dornhelm reports.

Gloomy holiday sales forecast?

Sep 19, 2006
The National Retail Federation today releases its forecast for this year's holiday sales season. And retailers aren't feeling too jolly about it. Rachel Dornhelm reports.