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Sam Eaton

Independent Reporter


Sam Eaton is an independent radio and television journalist. His reporting on complex environmental issues from climate change to population growth has taken him all over the United States and the world.

Latest Stories (337)

Mining law might go modern

Oct 18, 2007
U.S. mining law has gone unchanged for more than a century, and large corporations have taken advantage of the free pass given to the original miners of the Western frontier. But Sam Eaton tells us that could soon change.

Will Steady Freddie lose his cool?

Oct 15, 2007
It's been four years since former Freddie Mac CEO Leland Brendsel was accused of accounting fraud to the tune of billions. Today, he'll have to convince a federal judge that he didn't know he was doing anything wrong. Sam Eaton has more.

A foreclosure means an eviction

Oct 12, 2007
The crisis in the housing market is hitting a growing number of landlords and their tenants. Sam Eaton looks at how far the situation could escalate for renters.

BP cracks down on problems

Oct 11, 2007
Oil giant BP is trying to fix a bad run of accidents by working on its management structure. Sam Eaton reports the company's biggest problem boils down to inefficiency.

YouTube a weapon against whaling

Oct 10, 2007
Japan plans to hunt 50 humpback whales in Antarctica, which Australia has designated a whale sanctuary. Sam Eaton reports that instead of legal action, the Australian government is trying to get to Japanese children through a campaign on YouTube.

Dollar's value not up to EU's liking

Oct 8, 2007
The dollar's recent problems against the euro might be good for American exporters, but for European finance ministers meeting this week in Germany it's become a major headache. Sam Eaton reports.

Sea change for Congress on U.N. treaty?

Oct 4, 2007
Climate change has forced Congress to take a fresh look at an international agreement it's ignored for a decade -- a treaty called the Law of the Sea. Sam Eaton reports.

A new way to look at borrower risk

Oct 4, 2007
A group of banks and nonprofits launches a new program today that will make credit available to riskier borrowers without as much risk to the lenders. Sam Eaton explains how it works.

Congress trying to lighten up

Oct 1, 2007
Congress is expected to vote on a broad energy package this month, which will also favor more energy-efficent lighting. Sam Eaton has more.

Little warming on emissions accords

Sep 26, 2007
Making sure rising economic powers such as China, India and Brazil do their part to curb greenhouse gases has become a major sticking point for the White House. But, as Sam Eaton reports, the solutions might be even stickier.