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Sam Eaton

Independent Reporter


Sam Eaton is an independent radio and television journalist. His reporting on complex environmental issues from climate change to population growth has taken him all over the United States and the world.

Latest Stories (337)

Growth through innovation

Jan 12, 2006
Bold predictions abound that by 2030, if not sooner, China will become the world's largest economy. But getting there may depend on more than just making stuff for really cheap. To sustain that growth, China needs to move up the food chain. For our Sustainability Desk, Sam Eaton reports from the southern city of Shenzen near Hong Kong.

Reading the Tea Leaves

Dec 9, 2005
I have no return story to tell when it comes to China. Everything was new to me from the minute I walked down the runway and settled in for the 13...

Farms as Superfund sites?

Nov 16, 2005
A Congressional committee today takes up the issue of whether big industrial farms can fall under Superfund cleanup oversight. Sam Eaton reports.

Clear Skies v. Clean Air

Oct 28, 2005
The EPA has released a comparison between the Bush Administration's Clear Skies Initiative and the decades-old Clean Air Act. According the Agency, Clear Skies would do a better job of curbing pollution. As Sam Eaton reports, not all agree.

Flooding and fairness

Oct 27, 2005
Today a House subcommittee takes up the issue of assessing flood standards in New Orleans and across the country. Sam Eaton reports.

One hurricane too many

Oct 25, 2005
This year's hurricane season has given many state-run flood insurance programs a run for their money. Sam Eaton reports.

New Orleans workers sidelined

Oct 14, 2005
Area demolition and removal services are chafing over government clean-up contracts for New Orleans that have been awarded to out-of-state companies. Sam Eaton reports.