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Sam Eaton

Independent Reporter


Sam Eaton is an independent radio and television journalist. His reporting on complex environmental issues from climate change to population growth has taken him all over the United States and the world.

Latest Stories (337)

Airlines use discounts to prop up losses

Jul 15, 2009
Airlines like Southwest and AirTran have been forced to offer deep discounts to leisure travelers to account for a drop in business travel. Some experts worry these revenue losses could lead to a wave of bankruptcies. Sam Eaton reports.

Shipping industry set for C02 regulation

Jul 15, 2009
A U.N.-sponsored is working to reduce the swelling carbon footprint of the shipping industry. Global shipping produces more greenhouse gas emissions than all of Germany, but carbon emissions have gone unregulated. Sam Eaton reports.

Ecuador seeks credit for conservation

Jul 9, 2009
The South American country is seeking $3 billion in carbon credits in exchange for leaving some of its Amazon oil reserves untapped. Sam Eaton reports.

'Smart grid' may have safety blind spot

Jul 7, 2009
Microsoft launched a free program this week that lets you track and change your energy consumption down to individual appliances. But what's being called the "smart grid" may be leaving the door open to cyber attacks. Sam Eaton reports.

Online advertisers to police themselves

Jul 2, 2009
Online advertisers are expected to announce self-policing guidelines for how they collect and use data about consumers. Sam Eaton reports.

Economy may be spurring city growth

Jul 1, 2009
National Census data shows that the trend of cities losing residents to outlying suburbs is reversing, and it may be due in part to the economy. Sam Eaton reports.

California may issue IOU's

Jul 1, 2009
Despite working into the night, California lawmakers failed to balance the state budget, which means IOU's may be issued in lieu of payments for the first time in nearly two decades. Sam Eaton reports.

GM hopes for swift drive to bankruptcy

Jun 30, 2009
General Motors is heading to bankruptcy court, and the automaker is hoping for a quick approval. Sam Eaton reports why it is unlikely the proceedings will be slowed down.

Ruling has big impact for employers

Jun 29, 2009
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of a group of white firefighters who say they were unfairly denied promotions because of race. Sam Eaton reports.

Battle just beginning for Madoff victims

Jun 29, 2009
Reporter Sam Eaton talks with Steve Chiotakis about what to expect during the sentencing for disgraced investor Bernard Madoff, and what lies ahead for many of his victims.