Scott Jagow

Latest Stories (1,531)

Time to set the Postal Service free?

Mar 2, 2010
Neither debt, nor whopping losses nor employee pensions will keep the Post Office from delivering the mail. Well, actually they might. The Postal...

One right after the other

Mar 2, 2010
We had an interesting discussion at our morning meeting about the relative nature of events -- specifically, the timing of the natural disasters in...

Morning Reading

Mar 2, 2010
Good morning. Among this morning's items -- remembering the lessons of the dot-com crash, Earth's economic model is broken, what drives media...

A secret war on Google?

Mar 1, 2010
The Wall Street Journal has an interesting piece about small Internet firms that have filed antitrust lawsuits against Google. It just so happens...

Predict the future, win a prize

Mar 1, 2010
Bloomberg columnist John Dorfman is reviving a contest that gauges your ability to correctly predict economic conditions months from now. An...

When reform doesn't equal change

Mar 1, 2010
This looks to be an important week for the fate of financial regulatory reform. A stand-alone Consumer Financial Protection Agency has virtually...

Morning Reading

Mar 1, 2010
Good morning. Hope you had a good weekend. A few questions to start the week: Can government get banks lending? What do we need health insurers...

No more interest-only loans

Feb 26, 2010
The government-controlled mortgage financier, Freddie Mac, said today it would stop buying "interest-only" loans. How common-sensical of them. ...

Start a business, get a green card?

Feb 26, 2010
This week, two Senators introduced a bill that would reward foreign entrepreneurs for coming to this country and creating jobs. The Startup Visa...

Citibank's dose of morality

Feb 26, 2010
I've been following an interesting story this week involving Citibank and a start-up company called Fabulis. It's a social networking site for gays...