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Scott Tong



Scott Tong is a former correspondent for Marketplace. He reported on sustainability issues (energy, climate, environment, resources) for Marketplace, as well as the U.S.-China technology relationship, frequently described as “fraught.” He is Marketplace’s former China bureau chief.

What was your first job?

English-language audiotape (yes, tape) voice-over work. Sixth grade.Taiwan.

What advice do you wish someone had given you before you started this career?

Show up an hour before the interview.

Fill in the blank: Money can’t buy you happiness, but it can buy you ______.

Gas for kid carpools; Washington Capitals hockey tickets.

What is something that everyone should own, no matter how much it costs?

Smoker (plus wooden slotted spoon).

What’s your most memorable Marketplace moment?

Sneaking into Burma for twenty bucks.

Latest Stories (1,339)

Instant profit, possible felony

Jul 18, 2006
Federal regulators plan to take legal action soon against several companies accused of backdating stock options. It's a widening scandal that may affect hundreds of companies. Scott Tong explains.

Army Corps appropriations

Jul 18, 2006
The Senate today considers giving the Army Corps of Engineers $10 billion for new navigation and flood control projects. But after the New Orleans levee breaches, many lawmakers want outside supervision. Scott Tong reports.

Hurricane Katrina reimbursement

Jul 17, 2006
It's been almost 11 months since Hurricane Katrina hit the US Gulf Coast, and this week the first federal checks should finally go out to people who lost their homes in the storm. Scott Tong reports.

Oil money fuels combatants

Jul 14, 2006
The battle between Israel and Hezbollah is pushing the price of oil even higher. That's more disposable income for Middle East oil sellers. Scott Tong looks into whether some of that money is paying for the violence in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip.

Halliburton loses exclusive military deal

Jul 12, 2006
The US Army said today it will end Halliburton's exclusive multibillion-dollar logistics contract in Iraq. It will re-bid the contract out to multiple companies later this year. Scott Tong has the story.

Who gets credit for projected smaller deficit?

Jul 10, 2006
Tomorrow the White House is expected to announce the projected budget deficit will be $100 billion less than originally feared, because people paid way more in taxes than expected. But why? Scott Tong reports.

EU considers sacking China's plastic bags

Jul 7, 2006
Another trade war between China and the European Union is brewing. This time it's over disposable plastic bags. Scott Tong reports.

North Korea sanctions may have to be creative

Jul 5, 2006
Japan instituted some sanctions after North Korea's missile tests. Now the US is pushing for a "strong signal" from the UN. But what do you take from a country with little in the way of legitimate economy? Scott Tong reports.

Immigration hearings resume

Jul 5, 2006
House and Senate lawmakers convene field hearings today on immigration reform. But as Scott Tong reports, the testimony is likely to be only what the lawmakers want to hear.

Hot dogs and politics

Jul 4, 2006
Lawmakers return to their districts this holiday week to meet and mingle with constituents. But the official Democratic and Republican talking points may not gibe with voters' economic concerns. Scott Tong reports.