Scott Tong



Scott Tong is a former correspondent for Marketplace. He reported on sustainability issues (energy, climate, environment, resources) for Marketplace, as well as the U.S.-China technology relationship, frequently described as “fraught.” He is Marketplace’s former China bureau chief.

What was your first job?

English-language audiotape (yes, tape) voice-over work. Sixth grade.Taiwan.

What advice do you wish someone had given you before you started this career?

Show up an hour before the interview.

Fill in the blank: Money can’t buy you happiness, but it can buy you ______.

Gas for kid carpools; Washington Capitals hockey tickets.

What is something that everyone should own, no matter how much it costs?

Smoker (plus wooden slotted spoon).

What’s your most memorable Marketplace moment?

Sneaking into Burma for twenty bucks.

Latest Stories (1,339)

FDA restaurant report

Jun 2, 2006
Government food regulators are expected to release a report today calling on restaurants to give caloric information on their menus. Scott Tong has more.

Another settlement on Wall Street

May 31, 2006
Some of the big brokerage houses in New York have agreed to pay regulators a combined $13 million. They were accused of manipulating auctions for corporate and municipal bonds. Amy Scott reports.

Positioning for 2008?

May 31, 2006
Hillary Clinton declared her candidacy today for reelection to the US Senate. She made no mention of a possible presidential bid in 2008, but she has amassed a $20 million war chest. Scott Tong reports.

Hillary puts war chest to work

May 31, 2006
Hillary Clinton kicks off her next Senate campaign today in New York. But the money she's raising could be positioning her for that other race in 2008. Scott Tong reports.

Will a virtual fence work?

May 30, 2006
With all the emphasis being put on a virtual fence to secure the US border with Mexico, Scott Tong looks at how past technological fixes have fared.

Telephone tax refund

May 25, 2006
The IRS will refund three years' worth of an antiquated long-distance telephone service tax this year, a decision that will lead to as much as $60 billion in lost revenue for the government. Scott Tong reports.

Cold, hard cash tied to congressman

May 22, 2006
FBI officials say they've caught Louisiana Rep. William Jefferson on tape accepting a $100,000 bribe. Agents later found the cash hidden in his freezer. Scott Tong reports.

Cocktail weiners and checkbooks

May 19, 2006
It's prime fund-raising season in Washington, with midterm elections six months away. Some politicians are trying to rise above the mediocre when it comes to entertaining. Scott Tong checked out one of the events.

Supreme Court sides with big business

May 15, 2006
The US Supreme Court decided today that taxpayers cannot sue their local governments over tax giveaways to corporations. Scott Tong looks at what that means for you.

Senate extends tax cuts through 2010

May 11, 2006
While lawmakers trumpet the positive impact the tax cuts have had on the economy, many special interests and big companies are getting big breaks from the fine print of the deal too. Scott Tong reports.