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Sean Cole

Latest Stories (107)

Toronto district seeks audible harmony

Jun 17, 2010
The main drag in any urban neighborhood is its moneymaker. So naturally those areas are always trying to figure out how to make more money, and beautification is a bit part of it. One Toronto neighborhood's beautification is of a more audible variety. Sean Cole reports.

G20 security tries Torontonian patience

Jun 16, 2010
Security operations at the G20 site in Toronto have begun to test the patience of residents and small businesses. Sean Cole reports.

Toronto locals 'in the dark' over ID-access fence around downtown

Jun 7, 2010
The Canadian government is spending $1 billion on security for the G8 and G20 summits later this month, and part of that will finance a giant fence around downtown Toronto. Anyone who wants to get through it will have to have an ID.

Hey, it's the Free Credit Report guy!

Mar 26, 2010
Reporter Sean Cole goes behind the scenes of's catchy advertising and meets up with the site's star: musician and actor Eric Violette.

Quebec police: We're not rent-a-cops

Mar 26, 2010
To make extra money, Montreal's police force is hiring itself out for commercial services. But with the quality of the duties performed, they say it's unfair to call them "rent-a-cops." Sean Cole reports.

When an auction is only sort of real

Feb 12, 2010
When reporter Sean Cole began to investigate housing auctions, he stumbled upon a kind of auction he had never heard of before -- a not-an-absolute auction.

Super Bowl snub lifts gay site's profile

Feb 3, 2010
Right after CBS agreed to run an anti-abortion spot during the Super Bowl, it rejected a submission from gay dating Web site Man Crunch. That move is generating a lot of publicity. Sean Cole reports.

Davos showcases Young Global Leaders

Jan 28, 2010
Every year, hundreds of Young Global Leaders go to Davos. These are people under 40 who've risen to the top of their chosen fields. Sean Cole profiles one YGL.

It's not always good to create goals

Jan 14, 2010
Goals keep us focused, and give us a target to shoot for. But a few academics are warning us to re-evaluate the benefits of setting goals. Sean Cole reports.

Is a partridge in a pear tree affordable?

Dec 25, 2009
What would it cost to deliver everything mentioned in "The 12 Days of Christmas"? Sean Cole tries to find out.