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Sean Cole

Latest Stories (107)

A human resource for HR workers

Dec 4, 2009
How do you cope when part of your job is telling other people they've lost theirs? Dozens of human resource workers are turning to a Minnesota company that allows them to commiserate. Sean Cole reports.

Houses still selling to the lowest bidder

Nov 18, 2009
Online database RealtyTrac says foreclosure rates aren't going to peak until next year. Which is good news for auction houses rattling off prices to an increasing number of bidders. Sean Cole visits a foreclosure auction in Boston.

Imagine a world without credit cards

Jul 3, 2009
What would happen if we all cut up our plastic and switched to cash? Sean Cole reports on a hypothetical world without credit cards.

Imagine this: A world without credit

Jun 23, 2009
What would happen if we all cut up our plastic and switched to cash? Sean Cole reports on a hypothetical world without credit cards.

Fast cash ads on the rise

Apr 24, 2009
TV and Internet ads promising fast cash for almost no work have been around forever. They also seem to be on the rise as the economy is on the decline. Are they scams or legitimate? Sean Cole reports.

Signs point to less flashy vacations

Apr 6, 2009
With summer around the corner, the hospitality industry is worried more people might opt to stay at home instead of going on vacation. Sean Cole reports on how the vacation season is shaping up from Cape Cod, Mass.

Rapper feels 'Arab Money' isn't funny

Apr 3, 2009
Iraqi expat and hip-hop artist Yassin Alsalman used to be a big fan of Busta Rhymes. That was until the rap star released a controversial song called "Arab Money." Sean Cole reports.

Money talk and relationships

Mar 13, 2009
Money talk can often cause serious relationship strife. Financial planner Lisa Peterson created a seminar which aims to remedy the situation. Marketplace's Sean Cole attended the most recent event and brought back this report.

Some say 'I love you' with jets, jewels

Feb 13, 2009
OK, so maybe you can't lavish your loved one with expensive gifts. But if had unlimited funds, what would you get? Sean Cole peruses a millionaire's Valentine's list, and poses some questions about money and love.

Less product, same price

Jan 8, 2009
Have you noticed there's less peanut butter in your jar? Some packaged goods companies have been reducing the weight of certain products and selling them for the same price. Sean Cole asks: Is it deceptive?