Stacey Vanek Smith

Reporter, Marketplace


Stacey Vanek Smith is a former senior reporter for Marketplace.

Latest Stories (1,140)

Immigration battle lines are drawn

Mar 28, 2006
There's a wide gulf between the sides in the immigration-reform battle. The House has passed legislation that would criminalize illegal immigrants.Today, the Senate debates a bill that includes the immigrant-friendly guest-worker program. Stacey Vanek Smith reports.
Joe Raedle (c) Getty Images

Listening for hints from Fed chair

Mar 21, 2006
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke gave one of his first public speeches last night. He didn't tip his hand much on interest rates. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.

Google fights search seizures

Mar 14, 2006
Google seems to be have no fear about taking on the government. Today, the search engine does battle with the Justice Department at a hearing in California. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.
Frederic J. Brown (c) AFP/Getty Images

Amazon's new niche

Feb 28, 2006
Forget books and music; Amazon's now looking to be an online purveyor of haute couture. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.

FBI searches foreign cargo terminals

Feb 15, 2006
Just a day after the World Trade Organization gave the European Union a green light to impose sanctions on some US exports, FBI agents searched the Chicago cargo terminals of two foreign airlines on grounds of possible "anti-competitive" behavior. Stacey Vanek-Smith has more.

World's biggest cruise ship

Feb 7, 2006
Royal Caribbean International has ordered up the world's largest ocean liner. Stacey Vanek-Smith looks at what's behind the move.

The bloom is off Jet Blue

Feb 2, 2006
The hip air carrier with leather seats and individuals TVs has long been considered a model for the struggling legacy carriers to pattern themselves after. But as Stacey Vanek-Smith reports, Jet Blue's star has fallen with its recent earnings report.

I want my ESPN

Jan 20, 2006
Some lawmakers are balking at "family-friendly" packages of TV programming that cable companies and others are offering, because they don't include sports channels. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.

The Golden Globes

Jan 16, 2006
The big studios got spurned this award season, as indie films swept the nominations for the Golden Globe Awards. What would a win mean economically for a film that doesn't necessarily have mass appeal? Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.

Gas mix price hikes

Jan 2, 2006
New regulations over gas formulations are likely to push prices at the pump back toward $3 a gallon. Stacey Vanek-Smith has more.