Stan Alcorn



 Stan Alcorn is a reporter based in New York City. In addition to his work for Marketplace, he has reported for Fast Company, WNYC and NPR.

Latest Stories (159)

Anxieties of flying have waned... for the most part

Sep 11, 2014
Airlines used to struggle with a public fear of flying around September 11.

What to do when terrorists claim your company's name

Sep 5, 2014
The sudden notoriety of ISIS is not welcome by businesses named, well, Isis.

At Fashion Week, it's hard to stand out from the crowd

Sep 3, 2014
Designers have to work harder to get noticed at this year's Fashion Week.

Meet the videogame millionaire

Aug 22, 2014
Charles Forman was down to $1,700. Then, overnight, he became very, very rich.

The enduring cost of Target's credit card breach

Feb 26, 2014
Target lost tens of millions of dollars after a security breach.

Submit your sounds to us

Feb 20, 2014
We've come up with a way for you to share what you hear.

Family finance lessons: Indie rocker Eleanor Friedberger

Dec 12, 2013
Eleanor Friedberger of The Fiery Furnances and solo-music fame shares what money lessons she learned from her family and living as a musician.

Insurance companies prepare for their Obamacare deadline

Nov 29, 2013
The White House's self-imposed deadline for to be "working smoothly" for the "vast majority of users" is Saturday

Family finance lessons: Punk rock professor Greg Graffin

Nov 21, 2013
Bad Religion's singer and biology Ph.D. Greg Graffin talks about what he learned growing up with two professors of parents.

Family finance lessons: Author Amy Tan

Nov 13, 2013
"Joy Luck Club" author Amy Tan tells us what money lessons she learned from her family, growing up in China.