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Stephan Richter

Latest Stories (28)

Which nation gives most foreign aid?

Oct 12, 2010
Which country provides the most development aid as a share of GDP? The United States, Germany, Norway or Sweden? The Globalist's Stephan Ricther quizzes Bill Radke.

4th most populous country by 2050?

Oct 8, 2010
By the year 2050, the world's three most populous countries will be India, China and the United States. Which country will be home to the world's fourth largest population by mid-century -- Nigeria, Indonesia, Bangladesh or Pakistan? The Globalist's Stephan Richter quizzes Bill Radke.

How many millionaires are in Congress?

Sep 7, 2010
Of 535 members of the United States Congress, what's the share of millionaires? Is it less than 10 percent, close to half of all the members of Congress, or two-thirds? The Globalist's Stephan Richter quizzes Steve Chiotakis, and tells us how much lawmakers make compared to the rest of us.

Which country drinks the most coffee?

Aug 20, 2010
On a per person basis, which country drinks the most coffee? The Globalist's Stephan Richter quizzes Bill Radke.

Marketplace Globalist Quiz: Insurance

Dec 24, 2009
In 10 years time, what will a U.S. family pay in health insurance in a given year? Quizmaster Stephan Richter quizzes Bill Radke.

Youth in ____ face highest jobless rate

Dec 4, 2009
Which country faces the highest unemployment rate among its population that is below 25 years of age? Stephan Richter of TheGlobalist.com quizzes Steve Chiotakis.

Which country sleeps the least?

Oct 30, 2009
Which industrialized country's citizens spend the least amount of time asleep per night? Stephan Richter of TheGlobalist.com quizzes Bill Radke.

Who makes more: U.S. or foreign docs?

Oct 8, 2009
How much do U.S. doctors make compared to docs in other rich countries? Stephan Richter of TheGlobalist.com quizzes Bill Radke, and also lets us know how much U.S. specialists make compared to their patients.