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Steve Chiotakis

Latest Stories (374)

In down economy, demand for champagne is popping

Dec 13, 2011
Champagne makers are quickly recovering from the blight of a few years ago, despite the fact that the rest of the economy is still struggling

Iraqi government will still depend on U.S. for help

Dec 12, 2011
The country has money from the billions of barrels of oil it produces everyday, but it will still need guidance from the U.S. when it comes to strategic planning and training.

American Airlines could hand off pensions

Dec 12, 2011
It looks like the bankrupt airline could hand over employee pensions to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation. The PBGC's Josh Gotbaum talks about what would happen.

Most euro leaders agree on plan for fiscal austerity

Dec 9, 2011
Britain and three other countries are out of the picture, but those remaining believe the new treaty will mean much more balanced budgets on the continent in the future.

Do multinational summits actually work?

Dec 9, 2011
Some economists say today's summit will be remembered as a successful moment -- when eurozone countries met and got their act together. Katharina Gnath is an associate fellow at the German Council on Foreign Relations and has studied G8 and G20 summits.

Is the American Dream really disappearing?

Dec 8, 2011
We asked Gallup's editor-in-chief Frank Newport about whether Americans are pessimistic about the future, and how that compares to Americans of decades past.

Study: Corporations skimp on state, local taxes

Dec 7, 2011
Matt Gardner discusses why cutting taxes to attract corporations doesn't really make sense.

Will Slovakia pose another threat to the EU?

Dec 7, 2011
Slovakia was a big opponent of the recent vote to extend the Greek bailout package. How will it react to plans to change treaties in the eurozone?

Unemployment rate falls in metro areas

Dec 7, 2011
The unemployment rate in a number of cities fell in November, most notably in the Rust Belt.

Have austerity measures worked in Ireland?

Dec 6, 2011
Ireland was bailed out a year ago, and it is now facing another round of austerity measures. How are the Irish people faring in these stricter conditions?