The elephant in the room at the RNC
Jul 18, 2024
Episode 1206

The elephant in the room at the RNC

Why one labor leader crossed longstanding party lines.

This week Sean O’Brien became the first ever president of the Teamsters union to speak at the Republican National Convention. We’ll explain why this ruffled some feathers and what it could mean for the relationship between unions and the Democratic Party. And, we’ll get into how the lock-in effect is shaping today’s housing market and why the Federal Reserve won’t wait for inflation to fall to 2% before lowering interest rates. Plus, when it comes to avoiding online misinformation while a crisis unfolds,
patience is a virtue.

Here’s everything we talked about today:

Join us tomorrow for Economics on Tap. The YouTube livestream starts at 3:30 p.m. Pacific time, 6:30 p.m. Eastern. We’ll have news, drinks and play a round of Half Full/Half Empty!

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The team

Marissa Cabrera Senior Producer
Courtney Bergsieker Associate Producer