03/09/17: Major health care groups oppose new GOP plan
Mar 9, 2017

03/09/17: Major health care groups oppose new GOP plan


Several power players in the health care industry disagree with the House GOP plan to replace Obamacare. We'll look at some of the issues they have with the proposal. Afterwards, the Economist's Paris bureau chief, Sophie Pedder, will join us to discuss where France's leading presidential candidates stand on various economic issues. And finally, we'll explore the return of house flipping and what the practice says about America's housing market.

Segments From this episode

Will France abandon the euro?

Mar 9, 2017
The U.K. voted to leave the EU last June in a turbulent move. Will we see similar changes in France?
A view of euro banknotes.

High-tech worker retention was difficult before Kansas shootings

Mar 9, 2017
Businesses and employees are stressed about the hate crime and Trump's travel ban.
Mira Mdivani, a business immigration attorney in  Overland Park, Kansas, says she's been flooded with calls since President Donald Trump was elected.
Peggy Lowe/KCUR

GOP legislators want to cut funds to so-called sanctuary colleges

Mar 9, 2017
Republican lawmakers in several states are moving to bar college campuses from offering sanctuary to undocumented immigrants. Several colleges have pledged not to cooperate with immigration officials or share information about their students without warrants. But what sanctuary means legally is far from clear.  Click the audio player above to hear the full story.

House flippers are back in big numbers and driving up home prices

Mar 9, 2017
Housing prices have pretty much done nothing but rise for a long time now. That hasn’t just been good news for sellers, but it’s been good news for house flippers, who are back with a vengeance. Flipping — the high-risk art of buying a house, fixing it up and selling it for a sizeable profit […]

America’s infrastructure is underachieving

Mar 9, 2017
The grade: D+. But there were a few categories improved upon.
Heavy traffic moves southbound and northbound along I-95 in Quantico, Virginia.
Win McNamee/Getty Images

03/09/17: U.S. stocks continue to be on a roll

Mar 9, 2017
U.S. infrastructure has just received a report from the American Society of Civil Engineers. The overall grade? D+. Diane Swonk from DS Economics stops by to explain the benefits of investing in infrastructure. Next, we'll look at how a February shooting in Kansas against two men from India is causing fear among international workers. And finally, we'll discuss whether U.S. stocks can continue with their winning streak.

Several power players in the health care industry disagree with the House GOP plan to replace Obamacare. We’ll look at some of the issues they have with the proposal. Afterwards, the Economist’s Paris bureau chief, Sophie Pedder, will join us to discuss where France’s leading presidential candidates stand on various economic issues. And finally, we’ll explore the return of house flipping and what the practice says about America’s housing market.