05/17/2017: The effects of an airport laptop ban
May 17, 2017

05/17/2017: The effects of an airport laptop ban


Amid news that ISIS may have devised ways to conceal bombs in laptops, U.S. and European officials are meeting Brussels today to discuss a laptop ban from some airports. We'll take a look at the ways this new policy could impact passengers. Afterwards, we'll examine a new law in New York aimed at protecting freelancer pay, and then discuss effort in Georgia to improve website accessibility for disabled men and women.

Segments From this episode

Georgia aims to make its websites accessible for all

May 17, 2017
So far, the state has upgraded more than half of its 130 sites to federal standards. Enabling screen readers is one improvement.
Annie Maxwell, who is blind, shows how she uses a software program called a screen reader to access web pages.
Tasnim Shamma/WABE

NY freelancers have a new law on their side

May 17, 2017
New York freelancers who have trouble getting paid on time, or sometimes at all, have a new law on their side. The “Freelance Isn’t Free” Act went into effect this week. It’s the first law in the country to protect independent contractors from getting stiffed.  Click the audio player above to hear the full story.

Despite Spain's economic woes, families still go all out for first communion parties

May 17, 2017
The celebration, like a small wedding, takes months to plan and can cost a few thousand dollars.
Arxé Moda is one of many clothing stores in Barcelona that specializes in custom-made dresses for first communions. The bridal-like gowns can cost anywhere from $400 to $500.
Lucia Benavides

A new laptop ban could hurt more than airlines

May 17, 2017
US and European officials are meeting to discuss the possible action.
A Syrian woman travelling to the United States through Amman opens her laptop before checking in at Beirut's international airport in March.

05/17/2017: The reform plans the Trump administration is behind on

May 17, 2017
President Trump said overhauling the post-crisis financial reform law is one of his biggest priorities, but succeeding in the Senate will prove to be difficult. And that's not the only change Trump will have trouble enacting. We'll recap some of the other reforms his administration may be struggling with. Plus: A look at the high value Spain is putting on first communion parties, despite the country's financial woes.

Amid news that ISIS may have devised ways to conceal bombs in laptops, U.S. and European officials are meeting Brussels today to discuss a laptop ban from some airports. We’ll take a look at the ways this new policy could impact passengers. Afterwards, we’ll examine a new law in New York aimed at protecting freelancer pay, and then discuss effort in Georgia to improve website accessibility for disabled men and women.