08/22/2017: We may now never understand the risks and benefits of controversial mountain top mining
Aug 22, 2017

08/22/2017: We may now never understand the risks and benefits of controversial mountain top mining


The Trump administration has halted a $1 million federal study of health hazards for people who live near mountain-top coal mines. On today's show, we'll look at what this means for people who live near these mining sites and why the administration decided to put a stop to it. Afterwards, we'll talk about McDonald's decision to shut down a third of its restaurants in India, and then discuss the success of the socially responsible investing (SRI) industry. 

Segments From this episode

Caring about a company's values has grown into a multi-trillion dollar industry

Aug 22, 2017
Socially responsible investing is a growing industry. And it does not mean investing just for progressive values.
A view of the New York Stock Exchange.
John Moore/Getty Images

Trump administration halts study on mining, thanks to proposed budget cuts

Aug 22, 2017
Some studies have shown increased rates of health problems for people who live near these mining sites.
A large mountaintop coal mining operation in West Virginia. 

Trump visits Arizona, where border patrol recruiting is still stalled

Aug 22, 2017
Today the president is in Phoenix, holding a political rally and visiting a town on the border with Mexico. While this administration has pledged to hire 5,000 more border patrol agents, so far that has not improved longstanding recruitment and retention challenges for the agency. Click the audio player above to hear the full story.

08/22/2017: The number of U.S. border agents is on the decline

Aug 22, 2017
President Trump is in Phoenix, Arizona for a rally where he'll try to score points on immigration and his plans for a border wall. But it turns out hiring border guards is getting harder. On today's show, we'll take a look at some of the reasons for their decline . Afterwards, we'll discuss how consumers have responded to advances in smartphones, and then talk about what could lie on the agenda for Jackson Hole, a meeting between central bankers and policy experts that begins today.

The Trump administration has halted a $1 million federal study of health hazards for people who live near mountain-top coal mines. On today’s show, we’ll look at what this means for people who live near these mining sites and why the administration decided to put a stop to it. Afterwards, we’ll talk about McDonald’s decision to shut down a third of its restaurants in India, and then discuss the success of the socially responsible investing (SRI) industry.