09/08/2017: A gas shortage as Hurricane Irma approaches
Sep 8, 2017

09/08/2017: A gas shortage as Hurricane Irma approaches


(Markets Edition) Hackers have stolen sensitive information, including Social Security and credit card numbers, from 143 million Equifax customers. But it turns out a lot of Americans probably already have their identities compromised. On today's show, we'll look at some other massive U.S. data breaches, along with what you can do to protect your information. Afterwards, we'll look at Florida's struggle to get gas to the pump with Hurricane Irma nearing landfall. Then finally, we'll chat with economist Ruth Lea from Arbuthnot Banking Group about what Britain's trade relationship will look like with the EU in the aftermath of Brexit.

(Markets Edition) Hackers have stolen sensitive information, including Social Security and credit card numbers, from 143 million Equifax customers. But it turns out a lot of Americans probably already have their identities compromised. On today’s show, we’ll look at some other massive U.S. data breaches, along with what you can do to protect your information. Afterwards, we’ll look at Florida’s struggle to get gas to the pump with Hurricane Irma nearing landfall. Then finally, we’ll chat with economist Ruth Lea from Arbuthnot Banking Group about what Britain’s trade relationship will look like with the EU in the aftermath of Brexit.