12/27/2017: Homeowners are rushing to finish their taxes
Dec 27, 2017

12/27/2017: Homeowners are rushing to finish their taxes


(U.S. Edition) Tax day may not be for another few months, but there are some homeowners who have decided to pre-pay their taxes now that the GOP overhaul has gone through. On today's show, we'll look at why those who own homes in states and counties with high property taxes are scrambling. Afterwards, we'll discuss why retailers are actually kind of happy with customers who decide to return their online purchases in-store. Plus: We talk to the mayor of Naples, Florida, about how the region has been doing in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, and whether it's worth it to have beachfront property.

Segments From this episode

Mayor of Naples, Florida, unfazed by hurricane damage

With cleanup efforts after Hurricane Irma complete, the city anticipates that tourism season won't be impacted.
Flooded homes stand in a rural part of Naples, Florida the day after Hurricane Irma swept through the area.
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Even in legal markets, cannabis advertisers have limited options

Dec 27, 2017
Navigating between federal and states advertising laws can be tricky.
Signs advertising medical marijuana prescriptions outside an evaluation clinic on Venice Beach in Los Angeles on Oct. 9, 2009. 

It’s the week of epic returns. And, stores hope, added sales

Dec 27, 2017
The National Retail Federation estimates that 11 percent of online purchases will be returned this year. Even though more people are buying online, they are more inclined to make in-store returns, which brick-and-mortar stores hope will translate into added sales.  Click the audio player above to hear the full story. 

As President Trump turns to infrastructure, which projects will be funded?

Dec 27, 2017
Likely next up for President Trump’s new year agenda is tackling America’s infrastructure. But can lawmakers pull it together to fund improvements to our public works? And what exactly will be funded?  Click the audio player above to hear the full story. 

(U.S. Edition) Tax day may not be for another few months, but there are some homeowners who have decided to pre-pay their taxes now that the GOP overhaul has gone through. On today’s show, we’ll look at why those who own homes in states and counties with high property taxes are scrambling. Afterwards, we’ll discuss why retailers are actually kind of happy with customers who decide to return their online purchases in-store. Plus: We talk to the mayor of Naples, Florida, about how the region has been doing in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, and whether it’s worth it to have beachfront property.