Lab-grown meat could be in some restaurants soon
Feb 6, 2023

Lab-grown meat could be in some restaurants soon

Lab-grown meat could be on its way onto grocery store shelves and restaurant pantries sooner rather than later. One California-based startup, UPSIDE Foods, is seeking USDA approval to distribute its cultivated chicken product by the end of this year. Disney and the state of Florida are continuing their spat over Disney World's special status in the state. And, economist Julia Coronado gives some insight into why there's optimism that the U.S. economy might be able to avoid a recession this year. 

Segments From this episode

What will it take for consumers to accept lab-grown meat?

Feb 6, 2023
Lab-grown meat makers are optimistic their products will soon be available at a handful of San Francisco-area restaurants.
Nicholas Yeo/AFP via Getty Images

Are economists now optimistic about avoiding a recession?

Julia Coronado, founder of MacroPolicy Perspectives, gives us some reasons why a recession might be avoidable.

The team

Meredith Garretson Morbey Senior Producer
Alex Schroeder Producer
Erika Soderstrom Producer
Ariana Rosas Producer
Jarrett Dang Digital Producer (gone fishing)
Jesson Duller Media Producer
Brian Allison Technical Director
Nick Esposito Media Producer
James Graham Producer, BBC
Jo Critcher Producer, BBC
Olie D'Albertanson Producer, BBC