Segments From this episode

Internet challenges insult laws

Apr 10, 2007
The online world is rife with opportunities for free expression, but many foreign nations have laws prohibiting anti-government speech. That's pitting those governments against their critics — and websites like YouTube that allow them to be heard.

Wall Street's prognosis: negative

Apr 10, 2007
Earnings season kicks off today on Wall Street and it's looking a little sickly. Some analysts are saying the three-and-a-half-year corporate profit streak may be nearing an end.

Monitoring software getting too smart?

Apr 10, 2007
In the ongoing battle over use of copyrighted materials online, software makers now have a product that actually watches video to check for infringement. But if sites like YouTube use it, they could be headed down a slippery slope.

Puma races into luxury

Apr 10, 2007
Analysts say it could be a perfect fit. French luxury group PPR has made a buyout offer to add German sportswear maker Puma to a retail collection that includes Gucci and Yves Saint Laurent — and Puma is happy to accept.

DOJ extends its reach overseas

Apr 10, 2007
The Department of Justice is going after companies that sell military equipment to China under the premise that the U.S. maintains jurisdiction over trade of American-made equipment regardless of where the transaction took place.

China's mad

Apr 10, 2007
Yesterday, the U.S. said it was filing complaints against China over its failure to reduce piracy. Today China's biting back, saying the complaints would seriously damage the trade relationship between the nations.

State funding breathes life back into arts

Apr 10, 2007
A few years back, many state coffers were bare. When budgets had to be slashed, arts funding was one of the biggest casualties. Now that money is coming back — and it has everything to do with local economics.
A scene from the Degas painting: Ballettsaal der Oper in der Rue Peletier

AMT for all!

Apr 10, 2007
Economist and commentator Susan Lee says dumping the Alternative Minimum Tax is a mistake. She argues we'd be much better off embracing the tax everyone loves to hate and making it universal.