Segments From this episode

Lenders blame the media

Apr 16, 2007
As the subprime lending market continues to struggle, mortgage bankers are pointing the finger of blame back at the news media, saying the intense coverage is making things worse.

Congress tinkers with patent law

Apr 16, 2007
Small businesses have been pleading for patent reform, and Congress is expected this week to unwrap legislation to change the system. But some fear it might unintentionally dry up the flow of venture capital.

Be nice to bank robbers

Apr 16, 2007
That's right, go ahead and kill 'em with kindness. FBI agents in Seattle are training bank employees in the robbery-plagued city to identify and approach suspicious customers, and the program seems to be working.

Sallie Mae says yes

Apr 16, 2007
Student loan giant Sallie Mae has agreed to a $25 billion buyout. Shareholders still have to approve the deal, but there's already resistance in Washington where lawmakers are concerned about the industry becoming even less transparent.

Sloan Sessions: Earnings slowdown

Apr 16, 2007
Popular consensus says we can expect to see slowing profit growth when earnings come out this week, but Allan Sloan says the fact that everyone expects it probably means the slowdown has already been factored into the market.

Hillary v. Rudy?

Apr 16, 2007
Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani have taken the early lead in polls for the presidential election. If the two New Yorkers end up going head-to-head in 2008, Wall Street might have to hedge its bets.

Candidates sprint out of the gates

Apr 16, 2007
Election Day is still 18 months away but already the 18 declared candidates are on a record-setting pace for both raising and spending money — and Democrats are leading the first leg of the campaign finance race.

New suitors for ABN Amro

Apr 16, 2007
After nearly a month of negotiating, London's Barclays suddenly finds itself competing for the attentions of Dutch bank ABN Amro. A consortium made up of three other European banks may be prepared to pay more.