Segments From this episode

Builders losing confidence

Apr 18, 2006
Enthusiasm among builders over the continued strength of the housing market has fallen to lows not seen since 2001. Stacey Vanek-Smith has more.

Piracy has long been a dickens of a problem

Apr 18, 2006
The United States may be pointing the finger at China over piracy, but as Stephen Beard reports, the US has its own piracy skeletons in its closet.

Reading the Fed's tea leaves

Apr 18, 2006
The Federal Reserve is expected to release minutes from it most recent meeting today, and analysts are expected to pore over the text to find insight into the thinking of new Fed chief Ben Bernanke. Alisa Roth reports.

AMA: Insurance consolidation = higher premiums

Apr 18, 2006
A new study from the American Medical Association finds that consolidation in the health insurance industry has led to higher premiums for consumers. Lisa Napoli reports.