Segments From this episode

Bad news for Belgium

Apr 18, 2007
GM is streamlining production of its popular Astra model in Europe, and the 1,400 jobs cut are all coming out of Belgium. And if plants there don't bring costs down, GM indicated it may shift that production work to Asia.

Technology's green giants

Apr 18, 2007
Rivals in the ultra-competitive tech industry don't work together often, but today they're making an exception and meeting in Denver to try to help save the environment — and money of course.

Let the Bush tax cuts go

Apr 18, 2007
The rich are rich enough, says commentator Ben Stein. He argues that America's wealthiest can afford to pay higher taxes so that America can afford to do more for the men and women serving in our military.

First bird flu vaccine for humans OK'd

Apr 18, 2007
The vaccine is less than 50 percent effective and only has a shelf life of 18 months, but the FDA says it's still worth approving and stockpiling — because in the event of a pandemic, saving some lives will be better than none.

A greener way to cut grass

Apr 18, 2007
The EPA has proposed new rules designed to help reduce summertime smog. It says adding catalytic converters to small engines on boats and lawnmowers could bring levels down as much as 10%, but manufacturers say it could be dangerous.

Lenders shut out of student loan database

Apr 18, 2007
The Department of Education shut down its National Student Loan Database late last night, denying thousands of lenders access following reports of unlawful data mining for information about U.S. college students and their families.

Washington does battle over war spending

Apr 18, 2007
Lawmakers are squaring off with the White House over Iraq funding. Congress is expected to set deadlines for U.S. troops to come home when it delivers its supplemental war spending package. Bush has promised a veto.

Motion-capture thespians

Apr 18, 2007
The high-tech world of video gaming is providing a whole new stage for aspiring actors. And it's win-win: The actors get experience and a paying gig. And it's faster and cheaper for the game makers than creating forms from scratch.

It's a British retail invasion

Apr 18, 2007
A major new competitor looms on the horizon for U.S. convenience stores and markets. British super-retailer Tesco is about to open stores here and analysts say it could pose a legitimate threat.