Segments From this episode

Riding the Indian stock market

Apr 19, 2006
The recent roller coaster of the Indian stock market has spooked many foreign institutional investors but encouraged many local market players. Miranda Kennedy reports.

Light at the end of Delta's tunnel?

Apr 19, 2006
The leaders of Delta's pilots union sit down today to discuss a proposed compromise plan to keep both the pilots and the bankrupt carrier in business. As Alisa Roth reports, the pilots may have no choice but to accept the plan.

Following the counterfeit profit chain

Apr 19, 2006
Author Tim Phillips tells host Lisa Napoli that organized criminal gangs are behind much of the world's product piracy.

Freddie pays record fine

Apr 19, 2006
Home loan giant Freddie Mac has agreed to pay a record fine to settle charges that it made illegal campaign contributions. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.

The real costs -- and benefits -- of piracy

Apr 19, 2006
Personal finance expert Chris Farrell tells host Scott Jagow if American companies can't beat product pirates, they should join them.