Segments From this episode

Changing times, changing kibbutzim

Apr 2, 2007
As more and more young people opt to leave Israel's kibbutzim, those remaining have been forced to seek out new types of financial security to ensure they'll be taken care of in old age.

Sloan Sessions: GM pensions done right

Apr 2, 2007
Newsweek's Allan Sloan says General Motors' plan to fund its worker pensions is performing so well, you might even argue it's subsidizing the rest of the company.

Ohio helps homeowners avoid foreclosure

Apr 2, 2007
Faced with broad fallout from a weak economy and a widespread foreclosure crisis, Ohio is putting up state-backed bonds to provide a pool of refinancing money to help some struggling homeowners.

Visa circus opens — and closes — today

Apr 2, 2007
Skilled foreign workers can apply for H-1B visas starting today, but they won't last long. Critics say the quota needs to be raised, but efforts to revamp the system keep getting caught up in the larger immigration debate.

Bird flu vaccine for chicken feed?

Apr 2, 2007
Britain's largest drug company, GlaxoSmithKline, reportedly will meet with the WHO Friday to discuss ways to provide developing countries with low-cost vaccines against the H5N1 avian flu virus. Indonesia made sure of it.

First pillar of DRM crumbles

Apr 2, 2007
Apple had previously called on the big three record labels to remove digital rights management restrictions on their downloadable music — and this morning EMI announced that it's willing to play along.