Segments From this episode

Google's making money

Apr 20, 2007
A whole lot of money. Its Q1 profit jumped a jaw-dropping 69 percent. Online advertising continues to produce pretty much all the profits, and the search giant is positioning itself to keep 'em coming.

Plane makers slash prices

Apr 20, 2007
There are some great bargains on the table if you're an airline in the market for new planes. Rivals Boeing and Airbus are offering huge discounts on their midsized and jumbo jets in the ongoing battle for customers.

National Guard needs more . . . everything

Apr 20, 2007
Money for equipment and training. Money for recruitment and retention. Faced with a serious budget shortfall, National Guard and Reserve leaders are on the Hill today asking for the funding they'll need for the year ahead.

Boots for sale

Apr 20, 2007
Britain's biggest pharmacy chain has agreed to $20 billion takeover bid by an American private equity firm. It would be the biggest such buyout in European history, but it may spark a bidding war before shareholders get a chance to approve it.

More flu vaccine than we need

Apr 20, 2007
Drug companies are expected to pump out a record 132 million doses of flu vaccine for next winter — even though there were 20 million doses left over this year.

Hollywood's shipping premieres overseas

Apr 20, 2007
Studios are seeing big dollar signs at the global box office. So much so that in some cases, they're opening domestic films in foreign markets first to generate big buzz and big bucks. And it could begin to influence the films themselves.

No, <i>you</i> pay to fix the planet

Apr 20, 2007
Results of a poll out today show that an overwhelming majority of Americans think the government should do something about global warming. But when asked to dip into their own pockets to pay for a solution, ahhh not so much.

GM brings back the electric car

Apr 20, 2007
It's been blamed for killing the electric EV1 back in the '90s, but now GM has turned out a prototype for the Volt &mdash; an electric car that runs on such advanced clean technology, it won't hit production until the end of the decade.

Another NHL ratings flop

Apr 20, 2007
It's NHL playoff time and fans are attending games &mdash; but no one's watching on TV. Diana Nyad says maybe it's time for the league to come through on that promise of a dedicated 24-hour NHL Network.