Segments From this episode

A cure worse than cankers?

Apr 21, 2006
Citrus growers in Florida have lost millions of dollars in crops because of two destructive plant diseases. But as Judith Smelser reports, the proposed cure could wipe out half of the state's citrus nurseries.

Gaga for Google again

Apr 21, 2006
The search engine's earnings jumped nearly 80% in the first quarter, beating analysts' expectations. Lisa Napoli reports.

Paper, plastic or 'ChicoBag'?

Apr 21, 2006
As millions prepare for Earth Day observances Saturday, Brian Watt talks to an inventor looking to cure the world's addiction to plastic shopping bags.

Immigration raids may not deter employers

Apr 21, 2006
Federal officials have made it clear that they plan to crack down on businesses that employ undocumented immigrants. But will businesses really change their ways? Alex Cohen reports.