Segments From this episode

What's wrong with our food?

Apr 24, 2007
From peanut butter to bagged spinach to pet food, it hasn't exactly been the best year for the nation's food supply. That's led to calls for greater regulation, and Congress is poised to take action.

Lord of the games

Apr 24, 2007
Software maker Turbine is hoping to lure online gamers away from World of Warcraft and into Middle Earth to play its game out today based on Tolkien's popular "Lord of the Rings."

VC giant goes to China

Apr 24, 2007
Venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins is opening up shop in China. The Chinese government is offering tax incentives in an effort to bulk up the nation's scrawny technology sector, so the timing could be right.

The paycheck's always greener. . .

Apr 24, 2007
Or is it? If you've ever wondered whether you got suckered into working for less than the guy in the next cubicle, commentator Joel Stein has a website for you. And it might come in handy when you negotiate your next salary.

One boat piece at a time

Apr 24, 2007
A man in Britain was convicted yesterday of stealing hundreds of boat parts from his employer, sneaking them out one-by-one in his toolbox to build his own luxury liner.

U.S. broadband stuck in the slow(er) lane

Apr 24, 2007
The U.S. ranks 15th among 30 industrialized nations in high-speed Internet access, and a free market may be the speed bump. In places like Iceland and Singapore, governments are taking the initiative.

Biofueled planes coming soon

Apr 24, 2007
Virgin Airlines has announced it's working with Boeing and GE to get a jet powered by biofuels into the air next year. If all goes well, they could be flying commercially inside five years.

EPA dragging its feet on greenhouse gases

Apr 24, 2007
The Supreme Court ruled last month that the EPA does have the power to regulate greenhouse gases, but the agency has yet to take action and that's got some folks in Washington ready for a showdown.