Segments From this episode

Amazon music store around the corner

Apr 25, 2007
The world's largest Internet retailer, is preparing to take on iTunes with the launch of its own music download store. But it's not likely to take a big bite of Apple's share anytime soon, reports Lisa Napoli.

Roadmap out of poverty

Apr 25, 2007
Today a liberal research group has released a strategy to cut poverty in half within a decade. It involves, among other things, finally raising the minimum wage. Nancy Marshall Genzer has details.

To do business in Sudan?

Apr 25, 2007
Most Western companies have pulled out of Sudan to honor a U.S. trade embargo aimed at resolving the situation in Darfur, but not all. And profits are growing for those who've risked public backlash and remained, reports Gretchen Wilson.

ABM Amro sale on hold

Apr 25, 2007
The Dutch bank had agreed to a $91 billion buyout by Britain's Barclays, but now ABM shareholders are saying, whoa not so fast. There could be more money to be made from a rival bidder. Significantly more, Stephen Beard reports.

Getting canned is easy — in the private sector

Apr 25, 2007
Yet again several public officials in Washington are embroiled in scandal. Yet again they've managed to hang onto their jobs. But dealing with controversy is a lot less complicated in corporate America, points out Robert Reich.

Africa struggles with unemployment

Apr 25, 2007
A new report from the International Labour Organization has found that more than 10 percent of Africans are unemployed, as much as double that for those under 25. And that's creating social problems as well as economic ones, Alisa Roth reports.

India's investment allure grows stronger

Apr 25, 2007
Gone are the days of endless red tape. India's government has been streamlining bureaucracy and creating tax-free zones to entice investors. It's working — and how, Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.