Segments From this episode

U.S. finishes last in fuel economy

Aug 1, 2007
A new report reveals that the U.S. is at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to fuel economy standards. Turns out even China tops us. Lisa Napoli has details.

A penny found is a penny taxed

Aug 1, 2007
As stands full of baseball fans dream of catching Barry Bonds' record-breaking home run ball, attorney and commentator Conrad Teitell reminds us that finders may be keepers, but Uncle Sam wants his cut.

The problem with China's currency

Aug 1, 2007
U.S. complaint: The yuan's value is too low, which hurts the U.S.-China trade balance. So Congress today will consider new ways to help the Treasury Department pressure China and boost competitiveness. Steve Tripoli explains.

Small potatoes in the global market

Aug 1, 2007
Operating largely unnoticed amid the world's major stock exchanges, some markets are just trying to get established. Lisa Napoli went to Thimpu, Bhutan to visit one of the tiniest.

Unpaid hospital bills piling up

Aug 1, 2007
More and more hospitals are plagued by bad debt. In other words: lack of payment for services provided. But is there anything they can do about it? Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

A wait-and-see mood for WSJ staffers

Aug 1, 2007
The tabloid style of most of Rupert Murdoch's other media properties might not be a good match for the staid, buttoned-down tone of The Wall Street Journal. But staff writer Sarah Ellison isn't expecting major changes.

Tough to calm those subprime jitters

Aug 1, 2007
Henry Paulson is saying a feared U.S. credit crisis is "contained" in the subprime mortgage market. But there are signs the issue isn't going away quietly, or quickly enough for investors. Steve Henn reports.

Murdoch's empire grows

Aug 1, 2007
Media tycoon Rupert Murdoch has won his battle to buy Dow Jones. He'll pay $5.6 billion for the company that publishes The Wall Street Journal, and some say he'll let it keep its independence simply because it's smart business. Stephen Beard reports.